Deutsches Museum
The Deutsches Museum – world's largest science and technology museum – has a collection so ginormous it basically encompasses, well, everything. For the reopening campaign we turned the size of their collection into their strength. By featuring over 400 objects from their collection and declaring that all of them are science.
KesselsKramer (Rens de Jonge, Sophie Rijnaard, Ninnog Duivenvoorde) & Casper Braat
Deutsches Museum
The Deutsches Museum – world's largest science and technology museum – has a collection so ginormous it basically encompasses, well, everything. For the reopening campaign we turned the size of their collection into their strength. By featuring over 400 objects from their collection and declaring that all of them are science.
KesselsKramer (Rens de Jonge, Sophie Rijnaard, Ninnog Duivenvoorde) & Casper Braat
Always looking for collaborations, featurings and gigs. Let’s get in touch.